Dear Friend,
My invitation and desire for you is that you continue to expand the quality of your life by committing to the philosophy of lifelong learning. By doing so, I believe that you will create a life of lasting fulfillment for yourself and for those you care about.
Our coaching program helps you understand exactly what you want and why you want it. We assist you in developing and executing a cohesive action plan to close the gap from where you are to where
you want to be. By utilizing the strategies your coach provides, you can immediately and dramatically change your performance to produce your desired results more quickly. Our coaching program is a
formalized transformational learning process that occurs as a result of ongoing interactions between coach and client. You and your coach focus on building skills and competencies, developing
potential, enhancing performance, and creating a more fulfilled and balanced life.
Coaching helps individuals to grow. Your coach will look at all aspects of your life to see what it is that you are doing to empower and disempower you life. You will learn to
alter inefficient patterns of behavior and generate new adaptive and successful actions. Changing old habits and patterns can be very difficult even if we know on a conscious level that they are
hindering us in the realization of our ambitions and dreams. Your coach will provide a different perspective, will open up new possibilities, and will support you in the challenging process of
changing old thinking patterns that currently hinder your life and prevent you from creating a more successful way of living.
The benefits of coaching are wide-ranging and depend on the focus of the coaching engagement, however the following benefits are common:
Personal Benefits:
Effective, sustainable behavioral change
Clarification for what you want from your life - your purpose, values, beliefs, and vision
The enhancement of intrinsic motivation
The ability to set more efficient and effective goals
A coach who is committed to supporting and encouraging you on your journey of change
A coach to challenge you, keep you focused and centered, and hold you accountable to your commitments
More effective communication with peers, colleagues, and family are more effective
The ability to handle challenging situations much more quickly and decisively
The skills to identify gaps and obstacles that diminish efficiency
The mastery of motivating and sustaining momentum
Methods to increase scope of information, ideas and solutions
Claiming ownership of your life - learning to move from inactive to proactive
Professional Benefits:
Discover and tap into potential and creativity
Improved skills and competencies
Improved concentration, confidence, relaxation and decision-making
Remove performance fears and anxieties
Eliminate unhealthy work stressors
A coach to use as a sounding board for ideas, strategies and plans
Increased productivity in the workplace
Non-biased advice on business decisions
Develop advanced communication skills - effective verbal/nonverbal interactions
Powerful listening skills
Coaching Feedback
Better learning strategies
Enhanced entrepreneurial skills
Improved presentation skills
Improved delegation skills
Your coach will help you focus and hold you accountable to your commitments as you implement your “Pathway to Power”.
One-on-One Coaching Benefits:
Coaching interaction is highly personalized and geared specifically towards your individual needs and aspirations
You will have the freedom to set the agenda, which can be fluid and flexible (individual coaching has been found to provide a Return on Investment of 10:1)
Coaching works in all areas of life:
Virtually everything you do is to change the way you feel about something. Yet most people have little or no training in how to do this quickly and effectively. It is amazing to watch how easily
people work themselves into a nonproductive, emotional state. They leave themselves at the mercy of outside events which then prevent them from taking charge of their emotions. Your coach can help
you understand what makes you do what you do, feel what you feel, and help you determine the triggers that leave you in a nonproductive state of mind. You will then be given a step-by-step plan to
show you how to identify which emotions are empowering, which are disempowering, and how to use both to your best advantage. Your emotions will become a powerful tool in helping you achieve your
highest potential.
There is nothing I can think of that is more important than learning to master your relationships-romantic, family, business, and social. After all, who wants to learn, grow, and become successful
and happy, to then be completely alone? Your coach will teach you how to create quality relationships-first with yourself, then with others. You will begin by discovering what you value most highly,
what your expectations are, examine the rules by which you live, and how it relates to everyone around you. You will learn how to connect with people more successfully and learn to define what you
want in any type of relationship.
Without the conviction that you deserve financial well-being (backed up by a workable game plan), how can you turn your “American Dream” into reality? Fortunately, we live in a capitalist society and
each of us has the capability of carrying out those dreams. Yet most of us experience financial pressure on an ongoing basis. To reach your destiny of financial abundance, you will first need to
learn how to change what causes scarcity in your life and then how to experience, on a consistent basis, the values, beliefs, and emotions that are essential to experiencing wealth, holding on to it,
and expanding it. You will learn to have clarity on where you are financially, understand your inhibiting beliefs about money and financial success, and design new beliefs that are more empowering.
Your coach will help you draft a plan to achieve your financial goals and help you to outline strategies to manage your emotional state during challenging times. You will have the opportunity with
your coach to brainstorm about the resources necessary to assist you in the areas you feel are most important. You will define your goals and shape your dreams with an eye toward the future.
Picture yourself living your dream career. To do that you have to define where you are, what you like and don’t like about what you’re currently doing, and change it. Your coach will help you
discover your true passions in life and assist you in designing a career/business where you get to do what you love best. Your coach will help you understand how your natural behavior patterns and
communication style (DISC®) enhance or reduce your chances for success in a particular type of career. Your coach will find additional resources to assist you through educational and
governmental links and role models that align with your interests. You will learn to enhance your internal resources (positive emotional states) and create an identity that propels you toward
We all have the same amount of it, yet how many of us really know how to use it? I'm not talking about time management; I’m talking about actually taking time and manipulating it so that it becomes a
friend rather than an enemy. You will learn how to quickly determine that the wrong short-term evaluations can lead to long-term pain. You will learn how to manage your desire for instant
gratification thus allowing your ideas and goals to develop to their fullest potential. We teach you how to make your decisions reality by incorporating the willingness to take immediate action, the
patience to experience lag time, and the flexibility to change you approach as often as needed. You will learn how to design the necessary maps and strategies for following up on your decisions. Once
you have mastered the art of "having time on your side", you will understand the truth behind the statement that "most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what
they can achieve in a decade!"
Let Me Give You the Investment of
the Coaching Program...
Executive Coaching: (3 coaching calls per month, up to 30 min per call, with one of the JL White International, Inc. Professional Coaches)
Purchase Regular Month-to-Month Coaching: $995.00 Per Month
Purchase Three (3) Months Coachings: 9 Sessions $2,537.00
Purchase Six (6) Months Coaching: 18 Sessions $ 4,477.00
No matter how committed we are or how much will power we have, we all need a coach who cares and who has the skills to challenge us to step up and maximize the quality of our lives with conscious thought, decision, and action. Our outstanding coaches, have been immersed in Jim’s technologies and will empower you with the focus, training, and accountability you need to achieve the consistent results you demand in the most important areas of your life.
With Appreciation,
Jim L. White PhD
Founder & CEO,
JL White International, Inc.
"Inspiring Excellence in People"